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Automated and efficient

Land-Based Surimi Processing

Factories for land-based surimi processing are tailored for efficient processing of the high-value end product. Your catch is gently processed and cleaned to ensure the highest possible grade of your surimi product.

Our expertise in surimi processing started onboard some of the worlds largest factory trawlers and we take this expertise into designing land-based processing factories for surimi processing.

Efficient processing of surimi

Produce and freeze your surimi in an efficient and automated production flow. A surimi factory from Carsoe is designed as a complete processing line suited for processing of surimi in land-based factories.

Our surimi expertise started at sea and our equipment is designed for high capacity at a minimum of floor space. This means value for money for land-based factories, where a strong and smooth production flow is just as important.

Beyond our surimi expertise, Carsoe stands as a beacon of innovation in seafood processing. Whether you're venturing into the world of salmon processing or enhancing existing processing facilities, our commitment to excellence ensures tailored solutions for a seamless production experience and a high yield.

Processing Equipment for land-based Surimi Production

Contact our experts - or let them contact you

Tony Pedersen AI

Tony Pedersen

Sales Manager

+45 40 82 37 33
Ruben Nielsen - Carsoe US - Seafood Processing Sales

Ruben Nielsen

VP Sales - Carsoe US

+1 206 771 5254

Experience in Onboard Surimi Processing

We are the leading global supplier of onboard surimi processing equipment.

This expertise is put to good use for our land-based customers, where the high capacity processing equipment allows for an efficient and automated production flow.