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Shrimp cooker and blancher

KM 340-3 Automatic Shrimp Cooker

Elevate your shrimp processing capabilities with the KM 340-3 Automatic Shrimp Cooker. This compact cooker is designed for uniform water cooking or blanching of shrimp. The cooker comes in two models with either built-in steam heating coils for onboard use or with steam injection system for land-based factories, with a 2-step steam heating system to ensure a fast recovery of the water temperature when cooking. 

The shrimp cooker is ready for connection to external steam supply system. The cooking section is insulated. 

Cooker and blancher

Shrimp cooking process

KM 340-3 cooker is delivered with 3 separate pump stirring systems that ensure a perfect and uniform cooking. 

The Cooker is delivered with 3 separately controlled and divided feeding/cooking baskets, to enable cooking of 3 different sizes at the same time and with different cooking time. 

The cooker's electric control system can be adjusted for optimal cooking/stirring time. 

Technical specifications

Capacity Up to 2600 kg/hour, at 3,5 minutes cooking time
Batch size 3 x 50 kg
Power 5 kW
Heating Steam: 405 kg/hour
+ extra for boost function, min. 10-15%
2-3 bar pressure
Water 1" connection
Weight 1460 kg
Materials Manufactured in polished stainless steel and seawater resistant materials
Niels Kronborg Nielsen

Niels Kronborg Nielsen

Senior Sales Manager

+45 40 89 46 35
Rasmus Kronborg Nielsen

Rasmus Luca Kronborg

Product Sales Manager

+45 40 48 04 23