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Automatic Shrimp Compaction for Enhanced Vertical Plate Freezer Operations

Carsoe is thrilled to announce the launch of our latest innovation designed specifically for the seafood processing industry: the Product Compactor. This add-on for V Plate Freezers will transform how shrimps are compacted in vertical plate freezers, bringing efficiency, automation, and quality to your operations.

Patent Pending

Elevating Quality with Automation

With this system, a strenuous and time-consuming task is eliminated. The automated process significantly increases your block quality, and your production can run continuously to get the valuable catch processed quickly and consistently.

The consistent pressure of the Product Compactor offers optimized water content in each block, which is critical in achieving stronger and more uniform blocks. The block quality is enhanced further by an adjustable pressure setting that ensures the precise amount of compression. In the initial compaction, the shrimps are compacted leaving room for a top-off with additional shrimp. A second press is then performed to achieve a fully compact block.

Enhancing Work Conditions

The introduction of the Product Compactor will transform the onboard workspace for the better. Manual compression of shrimps, previously performed with handheld devices and considerable physical effort, significantly strained operators.

With the new Product Compactor, the work environment will see vast improvements. The automation of shrimp compression reduces the physical wear and tear on employees. This not only improves the working conditions but also reallocates personnel more efficiently. Workers can now focus on other tasks such as loading and prepping subsequent freezers, facilitating a smooth, uninterrupted production process.

This efficiency boost not only increases productivity but also significantly enhances the workplace environment.