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Shrimp processing line for Monsun

High quality shrimp factory re-used on new coastal trawler

Newbuild combi trawler, Monsun, is installed with a shrimp processing line consisting of re-used equipment that has been adapted to the layout of the new and modern trawler, which is a solution of great satisfaction to the customer.

Shrimp processing line for coastal fishing

The shrimp line includes bycatch separator, RS 24 sorting machine, Connie 800, pre-cooling and Connie cooling, and a load system for weighing and packing of shrimp. The shrimp line is customized from re-used equipment from the Norwegian trawler Havfluna and the old Monsun together with various stock items.

In addition, the delivery includes the KM Mark 7 fish gutting machine as part of the fish processing line. The machine is characterized by its high capacity and strong design that ensures a better working environment.

Exciting future ahead

The delivery to Monsun marks an exciting future to Carsoe. Earlier this year, the Seafood Division from Intech was integrated into Carsoe after an acquisition, and this delivery is unique as the order for the shrimp factory initially went to Intech, where also the equipment was manufactured, whereas the delivery and installation were carried out from Carsoe after finalizing the integration process.

This delivery is very special to us, as it represents our new future. We maintain our position as market leader within shrimp processing lines for coastal fishing, and it looks very positive for our future projects in this segment as our competences and experience are now cemented in the new organization. Senior Sales Manager, Leif Andersen, who has sold and managed this project.

Yearlong cooperation

The cooperation with the shipping company, Setho Fiskeriselskap, is based on many years of relationships. Ship owner at Monsun, Thor Gunnar Martinsen is very pleased with the project and cooperation:

Our long-standing relationship is based on a mutual understanding of how to do business together. On the personal level, we value flexibility and honesty very highly, and professionally it is essential to work with a partner who delivers high-quality equipment on time and provides top-level service in terms of technical assistance, maintenance, and spare parts. Thor Gunnar Martinsen, Ship Owner at Monsun.

The trawler is a combi trawler with processing lines for both shrimp, pelagic and whitefish. Monsun is a high-quality trawler that is built at Karstensens Skibsværft in Skagen, Denmark, where also the ship christening took place.

We wish the ship and the crew all the best for the future.